quinta-feira, junho 22, 2006

Filmes de terror manhosos

Na minha deriva diária pela web deparo-me com muitos filmes com nomes estranhos, histórias absurdas e tudo o resto. Mas uma coisa que tem vindo a chamar a atenção constantemente é a quantidade de filmes de terror que me bombardeiam vindos de todo lado! Como este fardo já se torna muito pesado resolvia partilhar aqui algumas das "pérolas" com que me tenho deparado. Como não tenho tido tempo para ver filmes, muito menos tempo tenho para ver filmes de terror com sinopses tão estranhas e pouco chamativas (ou chamativas pelos motivos errados) de filmes pouco interessantes, ou demasiado absurdos, ou então simplesmente "been there, done that, got a T-Shirt", assim sendo as sinopses que vou juntar aos cartazes dos filmes são transcrições. Os filmes não estão por nenhuma ordem especáfica. Preparem-se:

:"Brilliant sorority girl Camis experiment in insect intelligence goes awry, leaving giant, mutant insects hunting for food in a sorority house - and the only thing to eat is beautiful sorority sisters!"

Tomie: Beginning
Sinopse:"Are Plants Actually Living Things, or What ??"

The Graveyard
Sinopse:"Um grupo de jovens amigos retorna a uma cabana isolada para reverenciar a memória de um horrível acidente ocorrido anos atrás quando eram adolescentes uma simples brincadeira que deixou um amigo morto e outro preso. Agora, os amigos restantes, incluindo o amigo que recentemente foi solto da cadeia, estão de volta a onde tudo aconteceu. Aos poucos e para terror de todos, eles percebem que a história está para se repetir, e desta vez parece que apenas um dos amigos conseguirá sobreviver até o final da noite. Pavor, sustos, sangue e mortes em uma história que vai deixar você arrepiado."

Haunted Boat
Sinopse:"HAUNTED BOAT is a mystical, mind-twisting psychological horror film about six teenagers going on a boat trip and getting lost in parallel dimensions where they have to face their greatest fears."

Long khong / Art Of The Devil 2
Sinopse:"When the reunion of 6 souls commence, a haunting past binds the ring of friends in an evil world filled with black magic and doom. What horror previously initiated, now beckons up the 6 lives, rendering them without a chanced of redemption. In the midst of horror, lies the Art of the Devil II."
(Sim há um primeiro filme desta saga...)

Blood Ranch
Sinopse:"Four college students and an Iraq War vet, lost on a desert highway, encounter a terrified young woman with a black van on her trail... Four college students and an Iraq War vet, lost on a desert highway, encounter a terrified young woman with a black van on her trail. They survive the ensuing chase but their car doesnt, forcing them to seek help at a nearby ranch. Only when its too late does the group learn that its crossed the threshold into Hell! Welcome to the Web, home to a bizarre cult of murderers, perverts and mental defectives, whose sacraments include mutilation, dismemberment, unspeakable sex acts, and slow, agonizing death for all who enter. None of their guests have ever made it out alive. Tonight may be different...but dont count on it."

Sinopse:"The year 2005. A very large number of people start to suicide using brutal and horrible techniques and without any reasons. Starting from USA, this suicide wave spreads all over the world. In Turkey, in a small town called Selcuk, a young man kills himself after a long, regular night he spends on internet. Following the incident, his best friends start to get strange and freaky e-mails from him"

Sinopse:"On his way to meet his long lost brother in Baja for some big waves and bigger parties, Colin and his buddies leave the tourist traps behind and enter unmarked back roads with darkness descending. Lost and unnerved, they steer through a night of wrong turns and freakish encounters, finally arriving at crashing waves in the morning with no one else to be found. The remains of bloody carnage at a missing surfers' campsite reveals that they've stumbled on evil ground, still cursed by brutalized souls thirsty for blood and now these trespassers have little chance of getting out alive!"

Doll Graveyard
Sinopse:"It is 1905 when 12 year old Sophia (Hannah Marks) plays all by herself in her big, creepy house with only four handmade dolls as friends. When her abusive father (Ken Lyle) has finally had enough, he forces her to bury them in the backyard. But, after she "slips" and breaks her neck, dad buries her right along with the dolls. 100 years later, the Fillbrook family moves into the very same house. Guy Fillbrook (Jared Kusnitz) finds the buried dolls while playing in the backyard. Much like Sophia, Guy has no friends and is the constant source of harassment from Tom and Rich (Scott Seymour and Brian Lloyd). After Sophias spirit possesses the dolls, they come to life, protecting Guy from further harm. One night, Guys sister DeeDee (Gabrielle Docktor), has a party with her best friends Terri and Olivia (Anna Alicia Brock and Kristyn Green). After smoking and drinking with the boys, the dolls stand up for Guy once and for all, violently showing the nasty teenage boys who is boss! With no testosterone left to protect them, the girls fight to the death!"

Candy Stripers
Sinopse:"When the Candy Stripers in a small town Hospital are taken over by voracious aliens, they become killing machines hell bent on breeding... playboy playmates Deanna Brooks and Serria Tawan star in this campy-horror feature. Injured in an out-of-town college basketball game Matt and his team-mates end up in the local hospital. He suffers a broken leg and is placed in traction making him unable to move. Really weird things are happening... the sweet young Candy Stripers are seducing all the men in the hospital, then wrapping them in a hideous weblike substance."

Sinopse:"Numa viagem à Europa, dois amigos americanos ficam a saber de um lugar na Eslováquia, onde mulheres fazem sexo com qualquer estrangeiro. Ao chegarem lá, eles descobrem que acontecimentos doentios e nefastos tomam conta do local."

Pronto já chega, não posso continuar com esta tortura. É só para avisar que este post pode ter continuação, sim porque há muitos mais de onde estes vieram, e ainda menos assustadores e com histórias ainda mais estranhas! E para os interessados, todos este filmes já se encontram disponiveis em DVD.
A pergunta que fica no ar é: "O que foi feito do verdadeiro cinema de terror?"

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Tens aqui uma optima selecção de maus filmes de terror. Só te faltou um, ou melhor, 2, para acabar a lista em beleza: os dois filmes do Blairwitch Project. Este é para mim o pior de sempre, nao percebo porque é que tanta gente oidolatra pk akilo não tem nada, chega a ser um insulto. Enfim... Nuno