With Tool entrenched on the road in support of its latest effort "10,000 Days," guitarist Adam Jones tells Billboard.com the alt-metal act is tossing around ideas for a band movie.
"It has to be a collective thing as far as the band members," says Jones. "Everyone has to be very happy and it has to be done in a way where people would see integrity and hard work and not just something thrown together or home movies or some sh*tty filmed live show.
"It's a selfish thing," he continues. "There's that selfish quality of what we want versus what everyone else wants. But I think at the end of the day if we get what we want, it's reflective in what other people see in that."
Jones, who is the visionary behind many of the group's music videos, says movie discussion is nothing new to the Los Angeles-based band. If the right financial backer entered the picture, it could become a reality sooner than later.
"We all have ideas about it," Jones says. "If I had my way, it would be a narrative story in a surreal fashion with as much money and special effects we could throw at it. I think some of the other guys would like to do pockets of all of that or something that's live or we're playing. It's just talk right now."
Something more concrete and far less pleasant to the band is a lawsuit filed by visual artist Cam De Leon, whose work has been closely aligned with Tool for over a decade.
"He had done some artwork that we paid him to do in the past for our band and he came with this ridiculous lawsuit saying he's the fifth member of the band and a partner and he was head of our art department," Jones says. "There is no art department. I just feel like it's total extortion. We've been fighting it and it's been really burning a hole in my stomach. It's just been very distracting."
In the meantime, Tool is busying itself on the road. After finishing a North American tour next month, the band heads to Europe for dates in August and September. "I think the album is doing well," Jones says. "We're really happy with it, people are happy with it and I think we can keep going."
O me veio imediantamente á cabeça foram os filmes do marido da Bjork, escultor e realizador Matthew Barney. Mas precisamente os filmes Cremaster.
1 comentário:
De facto eles trabalham muito bem o video e poderão trazer algo bastante interessante nesse ambito! Vamos ver é se chega aos calcanhares de um Matthew Barney! Por acaso tenho pena de ainda não ter visto o conjunto total do Cremaster, mas tenho de arranjar um tempo para os ver :)
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