Pois bem, em seguimento desta conversa, Keira Knightley ainda teve para dizer o seguinte, no que toca ao uso de photoshop em tudo que é fotografia:
"Somebody goes, 'Gosh, you're pretty.' Thanks. I've got good genes! OK, I'm on the cover of a magazine but somebody else does the hair, and the make-up, and airbrushes the fuck out of me - it's not me, it's something other people have created."

E também diz que a vida privada das actrizes e tudo demais, é para ser mantido em privado:
"I think it ruins the magic. That's why I like watching films from 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago, because I don't want to know who (the actors) are, I don't want to know their life story. I want them to be characters on the screen. The magic is in the screen, not knowing what's behind it, because that ruins the magic."
Só reparos interessantes portanto...
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