sexta-feira, outubro 05, 2007

Talvez uma das mais assustadoras interpretações

É assim que está definida a personagem de Heath Ledger em Batman, no papel de The Joker.
Michael Caine, o actor que dá vida á personagem de Alfred Pennyworth, diz que a interpretação de Ledger é fabulosamente assustadora. Em declarações a New York Tuesday, Caine elogia o actor ao extremo, e ainda faz a inevitável comparação com Jack Nicholson:

“I tell you the big surprise in the new ‘Batman’ — Heath Ledger as the Joker. He’s fantastic. He’s gone in a different direction than Jack (Nicholson) … Jack was like a really scary old, nasty old uncle with a funny face. Heath is like the most murderous psychopath you’ve ever seen on the screen.
I was waiting for Batman’s guests, but (the Joker) had taken over the elevator with — he has seven dwarfs and… oh! wait until you see them. So, I’d never seen any of it and the elevator door opened and they came out and I forgot every bloody line. They frightened the bloody life out of me …. It’s amazing and it’s so different from Jack."

Este também é daqueles filme que eu aguardo com expectativa, e eu não sou nada de filmes de super heróis...

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