sábado, novembro 04, 2006


Ora quem tem muito mau perder, quem é? Kanye West!

O senhor fez uma bela figura de urso quando a entrega do prémio para melhor Videoclip que foi para as mãos de Justice vs. Simian, subiu ao palco e fez o seguinte:

"F*ck dis! (My video) cost a million dollars, Pamela Anderson was in it, I was jumping across canyons and sh*t! If I don't win, the awards show loses credibility. Nothing against you (J&S), but hell man."

Vejam o vídeo:

Não contente com a figura lamentável que fez, na confrência de imprensa continuou:

"I haven't seen (the Justice and Simian video). Possibly it could have been quite good but no way better than 'Touch The Sky'.

"That is complete bullsh*t, I paid a million. Obviously it's not all about the money, but the response it got transcended everything, it really made great TV.

"It took a month to film; I stood on a mountain; I flew a heliocopter over Vegas. I did it to be the king of all videos and I wanted to walk home with that award."

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