Convenhamos que um filme com 3h20 não é filme para toda a gente, eis o que decidiram fazer para solucionar este problema: vão separar as duas películas, fazer delas dois filmes independentes (e ambos parecem ter pernas para andar solteiros) e acrescentar uns quantos minutos de filmagem que tiveram que ficar de fora. É assim que Grindhouse vai chegar á Europa, em dois.

Joe Carnahan, o realizador de Smokin’ Aces, diz o seguinte:
"What is wrong with American moviegoers? Is there nothing NEW that they’re willing to embrace? Jesus, it’s the worst kind of erosion. We’re making dumber and dumber films and they’re becoming cash cows. God Bless ‘300′, at least it’s got balls and the director WENT for it. THAT movie is good for the business, it’s good for everybody. But some of these other flicks don’t even TRY because they know in the end, EXACTLY the age range and demographic driving ticket prices these days. Those monstrosities (the names of which I won’t mention) are pure pieces of commerce, marketed to perfection.
I hope ‘Grindhouse’ recovers. It’s an audacious idea that I wish would’ve been given a bigger break. Maybe as they separate the two films, they’ll pry some sunshine out of the situation and the Weinstein’s will save the day. It bums me the f*ck out though when something like that, a really cool idea that looks like a great time at the movies, made by real talent– can’t push past.
It’s just dead wrong kids…and we ALL pay the price when those don’t work."
Kevin Smith, o realizador de Clerks, também faz questão de frisar o seu descontentamento:
“What’s Costner’s line in J.F.K. again? ‘God, I’m ashamed to be an American today... I’d say the problem was America most definitely was at the movie theaters this week - which is why the stuff that grossed higher than Grindhouse… grossed higher than Grindhouse. That’s the third fantastic film of the year which has failed to attract the audience it richly deserved in its opening week. Add Grindhouse to a list that includes Black Snake Moan and Zodiac.”
O mais triste disto tudo é constatar que Grindhouse já faz parte da lista dos 250 melhores filmes de sempre...
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