segunda-feira, abril 02, 2007

Naveen Andrews não gosta de Grindhouse

O actor inglês Naveen Andrews, mais conhecido como Sayid da série Norte Americana Lost declara que não gosta dos filmes Death Proof e Planet Terror que juntos compõem o filme Grindhouse. Andrews faz de Abby no segmento Planet Terror, realizado por Robert Rodriguez. Numa "tertúlia" onde estavam presentes os actores e os realizadores, Naveen, depois de ver o filme diz que achou aquilo tudo terrível:

They were interminable and they were terrible. I thought they were horrible films, dismal. And the actors seemed to be suffering in them and you just felt sorry for everyone. And I’d look around and I’d see Quentin and Robert laughing like maniacs. I found it funny for about two minutes. I was embarrassed, I was like - what am I not getting here? They obviously see some kind of esthetic here but I can’t see it. I’m still at a loss of what the esthetic actually is. I think it has something to do with an obscene type of humor. “

Andrews culpa a sua educação inglesa, eles são mais selectivos no que toca a classificar filmes de bons e maus:

“But Quentin and Robert could see an esthetic in this extricable genre of filmmaking, in my opinion. I just needed to be a little bit more open minded, to abandon your preconceptions and judgments that one would normally make. And if anyone is going to find diamonds in the ruff, it’s going to be Quentin and Robert."

Eu pergunto-me, se o próprio actor não gosta daquilo, como é que conseguiu levar até ao fim o seu trabalho? E mais, ele não leu o guião?

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