sexta-feira, novembro 09, 2007

Jack Nicholson Pissed!

A reacção de Jack Nicholson quando soube que estava a ser feito uma nova sequela de Batman e que ele não foi convidado para ser o Joker não foi das melhores. O actor confessa-se bastante desiludido por não ter sido considerado para o papel. Numa entrevista à MTV, Nicholson, disse o seguinte:

"MTV: What do you think of another actor, Heath Ledger, playing the Joker in next summer's "The Dark Knight"?

Nicholson: Let me be the way I'm not in interviews. I'm furious. I'm furious. [He laughs.] They never asked me about a sequel with the Joker. I know how to do that! Nobody ever asked me.

MTV: It was never brought up?

Nicholson: No. It's like, in any area, you can't believe the reasons things do or don't happen. Not asking me how to do the sequel is that kind of thing. Maybe it's not a mistake. Maybe it was the right thing, but to be candid, I'm furious.

MTV: I'm surprised to hear you sounding competitive about a role like that.

Nicholson: Well, the Joker comes from my childhood. That's how I got involved with it in the first place. It's a part I always thought I should play."

Já aqui coloquei a mesma questão, cliquem aqui e digam-me quem é que vocês acham que seja o melhor Joker?

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